Entering the World of Social Media Marketing
Regardless of how long you have been in business, or how successful you have been with traditional marketing methods, there is one thing for sure: you cannot afford to ignore social media marketing anymore. You may not want to tamper with proven methods that have worked for you in the past, but do not make the mistake of thinking they will continue to have the same effectiveness as they did in previous years.
Social media has taken over as a prime means of communicating, offering you endless opportunities to reach potential and existing customers. Read here about how to get started using this powerful medium to your advantage.
The first thing you need to do is to become familiar with how social media works, and to learn how to speak the language. It is not necessary to totally change your personality just to fit in with what is perceived to be a “typical” social media user. All ages and types of customers are now embracing social media, so just be yourself and speak as you normally would.
However, you do want to know basic expressions and terms that are common in this arena, so that you can understand what your clients are saying. You also do not want to come across as totally naive and outdated. Just spend some time on sites such as Facebook and Twitter, particularly visiting the pages of your competitors.
A big mistake by many people who build social media pages is to throw them out there and then forget about them. It is not enough to update once a month, or even just once a week. You want to have a consistent presence on your social media pages, giving short updates and comments about products or events. Even a couple of sentences every day is enough to stay current in the minds of your customers.
If someone comments on a post you have made, always respond to it. Even if it is just a short acknowledgment or a thank-you for visiting and writing, this will go a long way toward building good will. It can also make a bond between you and the client, making it much more likely that they will think of your when they are ready to purchase what you have to sell. Everyone likes to feel that they know the people they do business with, and that their business is appreciated. Social media is an ideal way to accomplish this, without spending any money at all.
Consider posting a quote or a brief reflection every day. Keep it short, but make it something that is uplifting and that can make your readers smile for a moment in their busy day. Make it lighthearted but genuine. This can make an impression, and become something that your customers look forward to every day.
As you see now, social media is not something that should be intimidating to you. It is a very easy and affordable way to foster good relationships with your clients for the long term. Use it to your advantage and start today.