Why you should go out for an autumn walk

Why you should go out for an autumn walk


Why you should go out for an autumn walk

In Transylvania, autumn is perhaps the most spectacular season, as the mountains and hillsides, forests and fields are covered in breathtaking colors. Iconic natural attractions such as the Lake Sfânta Ana, the Red Lake or the Bear Lake can be seen with a new gold-copper-green decoration. Autumn in Mures county is maybe the most beautiful in the region, with the colorful hills and mountains, the banks of the Mures river, the view of the villages and towns surrounded by this natural beauty offers an incredible sight. And you should see the medieval castles in Transylvania with their new autumn outfit, as their parks and big old trees in their neighborhood also turned to a magnificent carpet of vivid colors and lights. 

So you definitely should go out for an autumn walk, when you visit this region. Do not leave your camera or phone at home, and be ready to capture the view with high-quality photos! The thousands of shades of yellow, orange, rust brown, ochre, dark and light green are best experienced live, of course, but if you only get to visit similar landscapes a few times a year as a tourist, you should stock your memories on photos as well.

While visiting Târgu Mureş, a main attraction is the fortress, which also hosts exhibitions focused on material culture and built heritage. Beside cultural tourism, don’t miss to go out for a long walk on the bank of the Mureș river, to the Botanical Garden of the “George Emil Palade” University, or to the Cornești Plateau.

The Sighisoara Fortress is one of the symbols of Transylvania, being a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1999. While visiting Sighisoara, a walk should be scheduled to the Breite, a very famous wood pasture site with very old oak trees. In the area you find another important site: in Saschiz, the Lutheran Church is one of the Transylvanian Saxon fortress churches that are part of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage.

In the Reghin area first you should visit the Kerekerdő, the highest point of the town, which offers a spectacular view to the historical buildings and the surrounding landscape. Don’t miss visiting the castles in the area: the Hohenzollern hunting castle in Lapusna, the Rákóczi-Bornemisza castle in Gurghiu, the Kendy-Kemény castle in Brancovenesti or the Teleki castle in Gornesti. You should also visit the Rhédey Castle in Sângeorgiu de Pădure. In 1812, in this castle was born and raised Countess Claudine Rhédey, the great-great-great-grandmother of King Charles of England.

In Mures county many towns and villages are located between mountains. For example, Sovata, famous for the Bear Lake, also is a perfect destination for long walks, and at the same time you have the possibility to go to a spa. The tour organizers say that Sovata is the most beautiful in autumn – now you can check if they are right! Visit the spa town in the off-season, and explore the area! We also have a tip: climb the Chicken (Týukász) hill, from where you can see the whole town and a significant part of the surrounding area. By the way, many hiking trails are available from Sovata, and from the mountain tops you will have a great view of the countryside.

In Mures county you can find many accommodations that meet all needs, whether in terms of prices or services. On Visitmures.ro, you can choose from more than a hundred accommodations in Maros county. 

After an autumn walk or a castle tour, it will be nice to sit down in a small restaurant and taste the local traditional meals and wines. Here you can choose from more than a hundred restaurants, bars, cafés and fast foods.

Enjoy the colors of autumn in Transylvania!

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